Cannabidiol is a natural compound that comes from a plant. Clinical research has found that
specific Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), a type of molecular chaperone that shields skin from
stress, exhibit skin aging. This article discusses recent studies discovering CBD’s direct link to
anti-aging, a first in the industry. Considering that CBD promotes HSPs and their release, it is
known to work closely with the human body. CBD from plants, also understood as
phytocannabinoids resembles the CBD created internally within human bodies
(endocannabinoids) and functions much like the latter. Read on to know more about this magic
drug and how one can use it in their skincare regime for the best of its benefits!

What is CBD?
Cannabidiol is a natural compound found in the Cannabis plant. It contains a host of medicinal
properties which can heal the body and mind. Nowadays, it has been discovered that CBD
provides respite to the skin. CBD used to have medically relevant usage for illnesses like
epilepsy and inflammation. However, a generation of skincare products with CBD have lined up
in drugstores and the skincare aisle for people to try. The first documented evidence of the
medicinal use of C. Sativa showed that its extracts were already in use around 5,000 years ago
in ancient China to alleviate pain.
The question remains- Does CBD belong to the field of skin care and antiaging? After viewing its
properties and impact on other body parts, One might be tempted to say yes. However, let’s
take a closer look at this compound and its relationship with healthy and plump skin.
What is the connection between skin inflammation and aging?
Inflammation is usually thought to be a part of skin diseases, such as rosacea or acne, and it
indeed is. However, persistent inflammation concerns every drop in skin health and is an
essential driver of skin aging. If inflammatory procedures could be decreased, aging would be
slowed, skin health would enhance, and beauty would increase.
Inflammation is present when it occurs as redness, warmth, discomfort, and swelling, but it is
also present, whether it is observable or not, during aging. Also, stress from any cause is
particularly inflammatory. Inflammation accelerates aging, so much so that scientists and
doctors coined a new word to express this close connection – “inflammaging.”
Inflammation and aging are so associated that they can be communicated as a single word.
Older persons have more inflammatory identifications in their bloodstream reached to younger
persons. This is correct because these levels have been counted in large numbers of people.
For those of the same age, persons with healthier skin and a healthier body have lower
inflammation levels than those with less healthy skin or bodies.
This is present even in groups of people of the same age and with an identical medical problem
– such as diabetes. For example – people with diabetes who have their disease under
reasonable control have more periodically circulating inflammatory molecules than people with
diabetes whose disease is under poor management. These levels also indicate how rapidly
healthiness will decrease unless interventions are accepted.
Topical skincare products are an affordable and effective way of relieving skin inflammation and
enhancing skin aging, primarily when they are of excellent quality. Many ingredients in skincare
products reduce “inflammaging.” Some of these include CBD-infused products.
Voibon tip – The amount of CBD in a particular product is something you need to
determine. For instance, if you are looking for lotions or oils for anxiety or pain relief, the
CBD percentage of your product needs to be higher than the regular products(like the
ones used for anti-aging) in order for them to be effective.
How can CBD be used (in anti-aging)?
Cannabidiol can be consumed internally by inhaling cannabis smoke or vapor by mouth, and an
aerosol sprayed into the cheek. It may be provided as CBD oil possessing only CBD as the
active ingredient, CBD-dominant hemp extract oil, capsules, dried cannabis, or liquid
prescription solution.
Is CBD beneficial for the skin? If so, then how?
CBD proves to be genuinely practical for skin usage and upliftment with the information
mentioned earlier. Here are more reasons why CBD needs to be in mainstream media as an
anti-aging miracle serum- Aids in skin rejuvenation and tension release
Analyses show that CBD stimulates neural regeneration, especially in the brain’s hippocampus
region. And through its favorable effects on the endocannabinoid system, CBD tries to
counteract the release of cortisol, a steroid hormone that creates stress. When cortisol release
is regulated, it enhances a person’s demeanor and mood and maintains tension at bay. Less
stress controls the wrinkles from your face, causing your skin to look young and relaxed.
Eliminates the symptoms of skin diseases
CBD and its anti-inflammatory effects help relieve the signs of specific skin disorders such as
psoriasis and eczema. Signs originating from skin inflammation like itching, rashes, swelling,
and red patches indicate progress with CBD consumption. A 2015 examination discovered that
CBD aids in lessening inflammation and aids in precise skin illnesses connected to
inflammation. In effect, clearer skin is seen as younger and healthier.
Diminishes Acne Breakouts
The primary cause of acne is the body’s overproduction of sebum, a biological body oil created
by the skin’s glands. While sebum maintains body moisturization, it also clogs skin pores,
directing to acne breakouts. CBD’s capability to control sebum release in these oil glands
prevents acne.
Helps Improve Skin Elasticity
Skin elasticity is the capacity of the skin to snap back to its original condition after being
stretched. If your skin is not flexible, it will look saggy, wrinkled, and leathery. The skin fails in its
capability to be relaxed as we age. One reason for such skin can be vulnerability to the sun’s
damaging rays. Over time, the skin ultimately yields its capacity to return to its shape over
lengthy and repeated exposure. Other aspects, including smoking, inadequate nutrition, and air
pollution, can also impact the skin’s elasticity. If you abruptly discover that your skin doesn’t look
as flexible and fresh as when you were younger, you may want to buy a CBD product (Voibon
Tip). Studies have demonstrated that CBD thoroughly influences the skin’s elasticity positively.
Fights off Free Radicals
Because of CBD’s impact on the endocannabinoid, the system works harder at undervaluing
free radicals and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the inequality between antioxidants and
free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable atoms generated by an uneven number of
electrons, inducing cellular damage resulting in distinct illnesses, including aging. Oxidative
stress provoked by the accumulation of free radicals in the body can wreak mayhem all over the
body. CBD battles against free radicals; it helps keep cells healthful.
Aids in Better Sleep
Some investigations have demonstrated that CBD can assist in sleep. Research implies that it
has something to do with CBD’s effect on underestimating cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is
a stress hormone, generally peaking during the daytime. People who have insomnia have been
discovered to have high cortisol levels in their system at night. Researchers found that CBD is
taken at least an hour before bed can help combat insomnia and boost better sleep. And if
you’re getting a good night’s rest, your eyes will look less bloated, and dark circles will fade,
making you look younger and refreshed.
Voibon tip – Keep this in mind that you need to look for products that mention or include
“cannabidiol,” “hemp extract,” “broad-spectrum CBD,” “full-spectrum CBD,” or “hemp
CBD” in their ingredients label. Please note that hemp seed oil or Cannabis Sativa seed
oil isn’t the same as CBD oil.
How has CBD aided in skin betterment?
Cannabinoids and cannabinoid-like compounds have proven potent anti-inflammatory and
immunomodulatory properties. In general, cannabinoids induce apoptosis, prevent cell
proliferation, reduce cytokine production, and enhance T-regulatory cells (Tregs) to produce
anti-inflammatory effects. According to science-backed research by various CBD specialists, it is
the new ‘miracle’ drug that can bring back a person’s youth.
The advertised advantages of using CBD in skincare products are relieving acne, eradicating
eczema, eliminating eye bags, and aiding people to stay young. Studies indicate that CBD oil’s
antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects help you age with grace. Whether topical or
ingestible, CBD oil is immaculate for customers looking for newer but more compelling
arrangements of preventative healthcare.
Today, anti-aging products have anti-aging advanced formulations with CBD. Their
youth-activating log of products has clinically experimented with ingredients for younger-looking
skin, eyes, and lips. It benefits in diminishing numerous symbols of aging, including the
formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
Conclusively, there are numerous benefits of CBD in skin betterment which range from Treating
Inflammatory Acne, Regulating Oil Production, Reducing Breakouts, Calming Rosacea,
Neutralizing Free Radical Damage, Soothing Eczema, Decreasing Hormonal Conditions, and
Hydration of the skin. No matter what your skin problem is, this magic ingredient is what you
need to look for in your skincare products. Give it a chance and see the visible difference today!